Yuri is a graceful & knowledgeable teacher who is encouraging, supportive and welcoming. Hes classes are teaching the backbone of FCBD style and if you are one of his students you’ll be confident that he will go over and beyond to answer your questions truthfully according to the FCBD format. Yuri is truly knitpicky in the warmest kind of way and I always leave his classes with a deeper knowledge of the danceform and a warm feeling of community and happyness. Yuri is a great danceteacher you don’t want to miss out on.

Anna Nordling (Sweden)

Thank you so much, dear Yuri. Great workshop, wonderful teaching. Chapeau.
Big hug Aida Nur

Aida Nur (Germany)

Dear Yuri,
Your workshop was utterly brilliant! Well paced, informative, extremely well taught and managed. You have a really friendly and professional style and you clearly foster the FCBD style community spirit. I have nothing but praise for you and I highly recommend that anyone considering learning with you, try it as soon as they can.

Warm regards,
Julia Stoiber

Julia Stoiber (United Kingdom/Austria)

[…] You’re a really great teacher, explaining everything in a way that’s very easy to understand and breaking down the moves into separate parts that make total sense when you combine them.

Thank you again,

Katie Sapphire-Star

Katie Sapphire-Star (United Kingdom)

Ich hatte bei Yuri sowohl Privatstunden, sowie auch an seinem Online-Zoom Unterricht teilgenommen. Yuri erklärt die Moves sehr detailliert, er wiederholt mit sehr viel Ruhe, geht sorgfältig und interessiert auf Fragen seiner Schüler ein, kurzum, er holt seine Schüler exakt dort ab, wo sie tänzerisch stehen. Ich hoffe sehr, bei Yuri noch einige Workshops weitermachen zu können.


I had taken private lessons with Yuri as well as I took part in his online zoom lessons. Yuri explains the moves in great detail, he repeats them calmly, responds carefully and with interest to his students’ questions; he picks up his students exactly where they are dancing. I hope to be able to continue doing a few more workshops with Yuri.

Birgit Niederberger (Germany)

First thank you for your indepth lessons,I’ve learnt a lot in your online classes, I love the attention to detail(dare I say nerdyness;)and that its almost one on one and we get lots of personal feedback and that you stop regularly for us to see if we have any questions, personally I like it that the classes are small, but I would be very happy for you and us if the classes grew,
I like that you are so giving with your information and that you are constantly learning and updating your knowledge of this wonderful dance style,

Looking forward to the next workshop

Big hugs Julia

Julia Went (United Kingdom/The Netherlands)

Hallo Yuri,
danke für die drei inspirierenden Kurse! Durch deine detaillierten Erläuterungen zu den Figuren wurden alle meine Fragen beantwortet. Ich habe mit viel Freude an den Terminen teilgenommen und bin auch tänzerisch weitergekommen!
Alles Gute!

Isabel von Makhaira (Germany)

“Yuri's lessons are very well organised. He makes sure he provides both theoretical information and practical exercises in an order which make his lessons easy to follow even when we use more difficult or heavy props. He is very approachable, welcomes questions from his students and is very knowledgeable about the topics he speaks about.

It has been a joy to take part in his classes.”

Birgit (Estonia)